Confiscation of illegal items: Teak, industrial equipment, food products, consumer goods and vehicles

Under the supervision of the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee, action is being taken under the law against illicit trading across the nation.
On 10 and 11 July, teams from the Customs Department conducted inspections at the Asia World Port Terminal container checkpoint. They discovered the following items not declared in import forms: 15,900 kilogrammes of Chinese-made GI pipes (estimated value of K23,373,000), 14,600 kilogrammes of energy drinks from Singapore (estimated value of K253,200,000), and 40 types of weather forecasting accessories from China (estimated value of K12,430,000) found in a passenger’s luggage at Yangon International Airport. Additionally, Korean-made beauty product JM Solution Glow Fill was seized from a vehicle travelling from Hpa-an to Yangon at the Mayanchaung permanent checkpoint, along with 2,700 Spa Toner bottles (approximately K6,210,000) and one Mitsubishi Fuso truck transporting these items (approximately K35,000,000). The total estimated value of the seized items amounts to K330,213,000. Customs procedures are currently followed to take appropriate action.
On 11 July, a combined task force led by the Bago Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force conducted inspections and discovered 2.374 tonnes of illegal timbers in Bago and Toungoo. Among the seized items were 0.406 tonne of teak (approximately K1,505,066). The action was taken under the Forest Law.
On 11 July, a combined task force managed by the Yangon Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force conducted inspections in Hlegu Township. They seized 3.334 tonnes of illegal timbers (approximately K3,334,200) near Yaytwingon village. Additionally, one Nissan UD truck transporting these timbers (approximately K30,000,000) was taken action under the Forest Law.
Furthermore, during the inspection at Ywathagyi Dry Port, two products (approximately K38,800,000) were intercepted. These goods included 10,000 kilogrammes of Chinese-made GI pipes and 110 Alpha air coolers from Thailand, lacking legal documentation.
Vehicles carrying these products, one Nissan Diesel truck and one Hino Profia truck (approximately K65,000,000), have been detained and legal proceedings initiated under the Export-Import Law. In total, the seized items amount to an estimated value of K137,134,200.
Therefore, on 10 and 11 July, 12 cases (approximately K468,852,266) were seized, according to the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee. — MNA/TKO

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