Confessions on illegal businesses of AA group

The government is striving to forge the rule of law and development of the nation in all aspects. Trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs, which is posing a great menace to humankind, including new generation youths, to Rakhine State and the international community, has been presented to the people. At present, AA terrorists allow illegal entry of Bengalis into the country by taking money for their interest to purchase and supply man/arms, rations and fuel to their group. In this regard, the confessions of Zaw Min Tun (aka) Soe Moe Lin (aka) Ko Nyi, son of U Kyaw Than Myint, and owner of Thali Swa rice noodle shop, Rakhine artiste/singer Hla Maung Thein (aka) Bo Wine, son of U Kyaw Hla, who contacted Bengali brokers for handling illegal entrance into Myanmar, purchased a ship to be used in the transport of rations and fuel to AA group and took responsibilities of sending rations under the order of Min Khant at the rank of Colonel from AA group were mentioned as follows: –

The confessions of Zaw Min Tun (a) Soe Moe Lin (a) Ko Nyi
I was introduced by Ko Tun from Masaekhan, Yathedaung Township. I knew Ko Kyaw Naing living in Sittway. And Ko Kyaw Naing, introduced me to Ko Nay Moe Aung from the AA terrorist group. I knew Ko Yin (a) Ko Myo Ko Ko because Ko Maung Phyu from Sittway introduced me to him. He lives in Pauktaw, MraukU and Sittway.
He has shrimp ponds and three fishing boats. Those three ships are Shwe Thazin, Lamin Myitta and Ta Tine Ya. In November 2023, they were arrested while loading fuel for AA terrorists. Ko Myo Ko Ko asked me to run those ships. The Shwe Thazin vessel was bought for K230 million, Lamin Myitta K50 million and Ta Tine Ya K40 million. I signed the contract on those ships because they did not come. I signed the transaction contract. Ko Yin (a) Ko Myo Ko Ko knew Ko Min Khant, a colonel-rank AA member. He provided all the food and fuel to AA. He introduced me to Ko Min Khant, a colonel-rank AA member.

He said he moved into Yathedaung, Kyauktaw and MraukU. I met him in MraukU once. After that, we were in contact on Telegram. There is an AA camp about a mile from Oakpho village in Yathedaung Township. I met Ko Min Khant there because I was told by Ko Yin (a) Ko Myo Ko Ko. Then, I went there to discuss the Bengali issue and the issue of tax collection. It was said that AA occupied the Zee Chaung Dam in Kyauktaw. Ko Myo Ko Ko fetched me there. There were about four or five people there. After discussing the smuggling of Bengali, he sent me back from there.
Ko Min Khant, a colonel in AA, asked me to report about the Bengalis who sneaked in without paying taxes, fishing boats that did not pay taxes and AA deserters through Telegram. I smuggled illegal Bengali into the country four times with Hamidula, Abdu Zawle, and Naw Ziamauk from Maungdaw and Ko Nay Moe Aung of the AA terrorist group. Bengali brokers said smuggled Bengalis paid the AA group K200,000 each. They entered two times a month. There were between 70 and 100 Bengalis at a time. Then, each Bengali from the boats sent by Bengali brokers had to pay K700,000. Bengali brokers get K2 million for each. From there, they went to Yay or Mawlamyine and Thailand or Malaysia. AA collected a tax of one million per fishing boat for one season.
Ko Yin (a) Ko Myo Ko Ko had bought three satellite phones for the ships. A satellite phone costs K4 million. Then, he said to buy a radar. The radar cost over K30 million, so I didn’t purchase it. Akhara was introduced to me by Ko Myo Ko Ko in 2023. I bought him machine parts and engine oil when he arrived at Sittway. Money was transferred through Wave Money and KPay. When I arrived in Yangon, I was called to come to Rakhine State by Ko Myo Ko Ko and Ko Min Khant. At that time, my wife did not have an ID card, so she made a fake card named Eaint Thu Lin, which cost K80,000. But I gave K100,000. The next day, I went and took it. I went to the Thali Swa Monti shop.
After taking it, my wife went to Mandalay, but I went to Rakhine through the country lane. On 29 December, Ko Yin (a) Ko Myo Ko Ko asked me to take a ticket from the Shwe Pwint Phyu express car from Bo Win and made me take that express car. He also said I must get off at five miles before I got to Minbu and then contact Zaw Moe and A Ba San there. I was arrested on the way. I had bought the AA group fuel and food with the money collected from smuggled Bengalis. I just bought them and gave them to Ko Nay Moe Aung. Only Ko Nay Moe Aung, who was in the rank of colonel, Min Khant managed them. I was afraid that I would be killed if I didn’t come back to Rakhine State from Yangon. My mother was also there. She is over 70 years old. I was afraid that my mother would be killed. I knew that if I returned with that car ticket, I would be arrested.
But I returned because I was afraid that I would be killed again. I wanted to earn my living honestly in Yangon. My wife said that she didn’t like to be with me, so she left for Mandalay. I was sick for two or three days. I didn’t want to go. I dreamed that I met my mother. I knew that my family would be in trouble because of me. My wife said that she wanted to get divorced. My mother had to spend K1.5 million on medical expenses per month. So, I went.
They had asked me to do it. Now, there is no one to take responsibility for me. In addition to not being responsible, I was the only one arrested in this car, and they asked to arrest me exactly. I did what they invited me to do as I was scared. Now, I regret doing those things. I also want to see my mother again. I don’t like to do them anymore

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Arakan singer Hla Maung Thein (a) Bo Wine, an owner of Thali Swa Monti (rice noodle) shop.
I entered the art field in 2015 and released an album called “How brave are Arakan Men!’’ in 2016. In March 2019, Ko Zaw Min Oo, the captain of the AA group, and I sang the songs at the stage show four times. Among those four times, on the morning of the last day of singing, when I was about to return home, he made me bring his worker and a small backpack to Ponnagyun. When we arrived at Ponnagyun market, a man was waiting on the street. A package was given to him. I left his worker who came along with me there. Then, when I arrived there again, I met that worker. I asked him what the package that he had given was. He said that the one wrapped in yellow tape was drugs. That’s when I found out.
In October 2022, we lost contact with Ko Zin Min Oo, who is in the rank of captain and had been fired from the AA group. There was no contact at all. Then, in November 2022, I got contact with him again. He was in Htigyaingt. He told me to come and attend the pig husbandry course of his acquaintance there. I went to him. I stayed and learned there. After nearly two months of studying the pig farming, I came back. At that time, I realized that Ko Zin Min Oo, a captain-rank member in the AA group, was working for the AA group again. In February 2023, Ko Zin Min Oo from the AA group rented a house for me in Mandalay for K250,000 a month.
At that time, he gave me the money I needed. When I was in Mandalay, I delivered auto spare parts to Ko Zin Min Oo, who is in the rank of a captain in the AA group, about four times. Also, I sent him books one time. Then, I was told that I had to send the essential items, but I would not have to make mistakes in delivering those things.
Ko Zin Min Oo, who is the rank of captain in the AA group, and I did not get along anymore, so I immediately returned to Rakhine State. After living with Arakan singer Ma Yu Yu Hlaing, we moved to Pyinmana with our family to open a Monti shop near Pyinmana. We opened a Monti shop called Thali Swa near Pyinmana for three months.
After that, we arrived in Yangon last August. In Yangon, we opened the Thali Swa Monti shop at the top of 31st Street in South Okkalapa Township, Yangon Region. In November 2023, Saya U Aung Gyan told me to come and sing. I went to Rakhine from Yangon. I stayed there for about 40 days. Then my friend Akhara knew I was there, and he lived near the house I was waiting in, so he came to me. I told him I had not been okay. My friend told me that if I wanted to work, there was a boss in Yangon. If I went to Yangon, I could work with the boss. I came back to Yangon.
When I arrived in Yangon, Zaw Min Tun (a) Soe Moe Lin (a) Ko Nyi and I talked to him on the phone. After that, he arranged to see me one day. The next day, we met at the RV restaurant in Kyaukmyaung, Tamway. Seeing me that day, he told me about the work. I had to go and visit the ship. I had to check how many people were on board the vessel and whether people on that ship had stolen the fuel. The next day, he called me. His wife’s ID card had been banned. He said he wanted to make a fake ID card. I created the fake ID of Ko Nyi’s wife at K80,000. He gave me K100,000, but it cost K80,000. I made this fake ID card with the name of Eaint Thu Lin at the shop in Pansodan. Ko Zaw Min Tun (a) Soe Moe Lin (a) Ko Nyi then called me. He told me to buy him an express ticket. I bought him a Shwe Pwint Phyu express car ticket to Minbu.
I met him about five times, two times outside and three times in my shop. On 30 December 2023, I was arrested at my Thali Swa Monti shop in South Okkalapa.
I want to say that our family have earned our living honestly. Don’t destroy your life as you make your living honestly due to such a few nonsense things.
From now on, I’d like to ask the AA group so as not to use the lives of such people. I want to say that I am very sorry that our honest lives have been destroyed so quickly.

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