Confessions on drug-related cases committed by AA group

The government has raised, as a national duty, the momentum of effectively eradicating trafficking in narcotic drugs, which are posing a great menace to the entire mankind, including new generation youths.
Moreover, it has also been extensively conducting inspections, exposures and seizures on the routes of transporting narcotic drugs, and seized ICE, more than two tonnes of methamphetamine, and 800 kilogrammes of precursor chemical caffeine, valued at K51.87 billion, from members of the Arakan Army (AA) group, which is trafficking them on various legs of road and water routes, from Shan State to Rakhine State.
Below are the statements of detained AA members regarding drug-related charges:

Confession of Ma Ei Ei Khin (alias) Ma Ei (daughter of U Maung Nel), who transported narcotic drugs from Shan State to Yangon
“Nan Shwe Phyu and I went to Lashio to meet a person called Maung Naing. At that time, I didn’t have a job, and it was difficult to get a job. I was asked, “We have a job. Will you do it?” Then, I happened to meet that person, Maung Naing. He told us, “You will get K10 million for the trip.” As it was a big amount, we accepted the job. I asked him whether it was heroin or raw opium. He said it was not the sort of narcotic drugs, and they had arranged everything, having packaged them all. He said we had only to sit in and ride the car. Nan Shwe Phyu fetched the packages from the forest. In Lashio, we hired a car. We put the things in the hired car and also in our car.
“We went up to Aungban in that car. He hired the car for us for K600,000. On the previous trip, we brought only a small amount, depending on the situation along the route. I was together with Nan Shwe Phyu. As we came to know that it was safe for us on the previous trip, we brought a larger volume on the current trip. When we arrived in Yangon, it was nighttime. In the morning, Nan Shwe Phyu got a telephone connection with the person at the destination. I called her and asked, “Where are you?” She said she was on her way to the 10th-Mile where she would transfer the packages. I had had some dispute with her, and she had not brought me with her. But when I called her again. She was not at the 10th-Mile. It was Danyingon, she told me to come to Danyingon. So, I hired a taxi to follow her up to Danyingon.
“After leaving Lashio, we had to pass by Mongyei, Nampao, Indaw, Kyaukgu, and Yaksawk. But before we reached Yaksawk, we stopped in a forest for the night, where there was a food shop and a hot spring. After sleeping there for one night, we left in the morning. After going across Yaksawk, we reached Aungban. In Aungban, there was a car from Yangon waiting for us. The car driver, called Yan Naing Soe, telephoned us. He said he slept in Aungban because it was already dark. He said he would give us a phone number in the morning. In the morning, we contacted that phone number. The person who answered the telephone gave us another phone number. The owner of the phone was called “Naw Naw”, a young male Rakhine national. We told Naw Naw to come to Danyingon to collect the packages. It was at the Danyingon junction.
“I’m very repentant. It was worse when my family came to know about it. I’m now every repentant.”

Confessions of U Hla Win (alias) Thar Gyi, a friend of Kyaw Myat Oo (alias) Thar Thar (alias) Wai Thar Tun, who is in the rank of a colonel, in charge of Economic Affairs of AA, who gave instructions on accepting the narcotic drugs that arrived Yangon and transporting them to Sittway, Rakhine State.
As instructed by Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar, who is in the rank of a colonel, I had to transport narcotic drugs from Yangon to Rakhine State. Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar and I have been friends since childhood as neighbours. In the first week of August 2023, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar contacted me by phone. He said narcotic drugs were going to arrive and gave me the telephone number of Second Lieutenant Naw Naw, his subordinate. He said Naw Naw would contact me. Then, I got links with Naw Naw. Car drivers also telephoned me. I connected the car drivers with Naw Naw, the second Lieutenant of AA. Second-Lt Naw Naw went to fetch the drugs. He called me when he arrived at the warehouse. He said 25 sacks of ICE were already in the warehouse. As I had been told by Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar, I asked Second-Lt Naw Naw to bring out the 1-kilogramme sacks from paper boxes and re-package them neatly.
“For the second time, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar rang me in the third week of August 2023 and told me that more narcotic drugs had arrived.
“Second-Lt Naw Naw contacted the car driver to fetch the drugs. When he arrived at the warehouse, he called me and said he had received 16 sacks of ICE. In the fourth week of August, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar rang me and told me to bring the ICE in the warehouse to the vessel “Taninthayi”. Then, I called Second-Lt. Naw Naw and told him to transport the things in the warehouse to Mottama Port in Shwepyitha. He called me again when he had dropped off the stuff at the port. Only at that time did Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar ask a person who was travelling to Yangon to hand K10 million over to me. He said it was the award for my performance in August.
“Again, in the first week of November 2023, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar contacted me and said more narcotic drugs would arrive soon. He also gave me the phone number of the car driver. Then, I got in contact with the car driver. The driver told me to transfer the drugs near Ocean Hotel at 9th-Mile. So, I rang Second-Lt Naw Naw of AA and asked him to come to Ocean Hotel at 9th-Mile. I did not remember the place where this hotel was. He said there was a car in the underground parking lot. I didn’t see any person there. I told Naw Naw I would bring the Super Custom car there.
“Then, I brought Naw Naw’s car. I told him I had received 57 sacks of ICE. In the second week of November, Second-Lt. Naw Naw informed me that he had received 40 sacks of the drug. One or two days later, Naw Naw told me that the Shwepyitha Industrial Zone Management Committee would inspect the warehouses in the zone. I relayed the information to Thar Thar. Naw Naw told me that he wanted to put cement in the warehouse and transfer the drugs to a car. I told Thar Thar what Naw Naw had said. So, Thar Thar asked me to buy a car and cement and transfer them to Naw Naw. So, I bought a truck of Canter brand for K32 million. The cement I bought cost K4.9 million. I received the money by phone from a person near the Insein Market under Thar Thar’s arrangement. We loaded the drugs in paper boxes onto the truck and asked the driver to go to Lanmadaw. The truck was parked in Lanmadaw for seven days and in Pabedan for another seven days. Because the clutch of the truck was not good, we had it repaired at a workshop on Myitta Street in South Okkalapa Township. The drugs were seized by the police there. But according to Naw Naw’s words, he received the drugs three times within the month, totalling 38 sacks. “In the second week of November, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar in the rank of a colonel of AA, contacted me by phone.
“He told me he would send a person called Soe Tun, who was to work together with Naw Naw.

He asked me to rent a house for Soe Tun. Soe Tun and I went to North Dagon to look for a house to rent. We found a house, which Soe Tun liked, in Ward 34. Thar Thar sent the rental money to me through a person and asked me to sign a one-year agreement at K650,000 per month.
“In February 2022, Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar rang me and said narcotic drugs would be transported by water. He asked me to buy a motorboat. He also said he would also send a person. We got in contact with the owner of a vessel called “Taninthayi”. The owner mentioned the price of the motorboat as K80 million.

“In August 2023, we transported narcotic drugs for the first time on motorboat “Taninthayi.” Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar, in charge of the Economic Affairs of AA, gave money for all the costs — the costs for warehouses in which narcotic drugs were to be kept, for the cars and trucks, for the houses for AA members to live in, and for the motorboat, including service money “K10 million” for me. I assume that the proceeds from selling the narcotic drugs are used for buying arms and ammunition and for recruiting.
“Now, I am repentant of my collusion with the AA group, harming the nation and the young people.”
You will now hear the confessions of Kyaw Soe (a) Nay Lin Tun (a) Naw Naw, in the rank of Second Lieutenant of the AA group, who received the narcotic drugs that arrived in Yangon and transported them to Rakhine State in person, under the instructions of Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Tha Tun, in the rank of a colonel, in charge of Economic Affairs of AA.

Confessions of Kyaw Soe (a) Nay Lin Tun (a) Naw Naw (AA – 0104), in the rank of Second Lieutenant of the AA terrorist group
“I’m Kyaw Soe (a) Nay Lin Tun (a) Naw Naw, in the rank of Second-Lieutenant of AA. My personnel No is 0104. I joined AA in 2010 and attended a 45-day military training course. Then, I served as a private in a section. I went to Sein Yu Bone Mountain to join in an operation. I served the duty of caring for agriculture and livestock breeding at the AA base unit up to 2022. Afterwards, I was sent by Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun, in charge of Economic Affairs, to Yangon for the transport of narcotic drugs. Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun asked me to rent a warehouse in Shwepyitha for storing narcotic drugs. I rented a warehouse for K2.5 million per month and stored narcotic drugs in it. I had to bring the drugs to Mottama Port in Shwepyitha Township and load them onto the motorboat.
“Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun said I must receive narcotic drugs from Than Win (a) Yan Naing. I received 620 (one-kilo) sacks of ICE at Danyingon junction on 5 August one time; 400 (one-kilo) sacks of ICE at the same junction on 15 August one time; 140 (one-kilo) sacks of the drug at the car parking lot of Ocean Hotel on 7 November one time, under the instruction by phone of Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun; 40 sacks of the drug near a market at Danyingone junction on 10 November one time; 175 (one-kilo) sacks of the drug at the same junction on 23 November one time; 90 (one-kilo) of the drug at the same junction on 24 November one time; and 600 (one-kilo) sacks of ICE at the same junction on 25 November 25; totalling seven time.
“I brought 3,025 sacks of ICE and 40 sacks of narcotic drugs and stored them in the warehouse. Under the instruction of Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun, I put the narcotic drugs in paper boxes and stored them in the warehouse. Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun asked me to send the narcotic drugs in 51 paper boxes to Mottama Port in Shwepyitha. So, I hired a Hijet to transport the drugs. I entrusted the narcotic drugs to a person called Soe Paing (a) Soe Soe, who was on the motorboat “Taninthayi”.
“Colonel Kyaw Myat Oo (a) Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun directly asked me to take charge of the drugs in Yangon. He gave me K300,000 per month during my service. In the past, we didn’t get any salary. It was only in my service with the narcotic drugs that I got a monthly salary of K300,000. Maj-Gen Tun Myat Naing also knew about our activities in the narcotic drug trade. Actually, we were doing them under his command.
“AA members also sent the narcotic drugs to other regions and countries. Before I was arrested, I had heard about the seizure of narcotic drugs, which were about to be sent to Malaysia.
The seizure took place when they were about to be sent by water. The traffickers were AA members. In fact, we, AA members, felt self-conscious in using the money, the proceeds from the sales of narcotic drugs. I feel upset for my having sent the narcotic drugs to Sittway by water for the first time. I also feel repentant.
You will now hear the confessions of Soe Paing (a) Soe Soe, who sent the narcotic drugs from Yangon to Sittway by water.

Confessions of Soe Paing (son of U Aung Tun Hla)
“In April 2022, Ko Thar Gyi contacted me and asked me to work in Yangon. The work was to drive a motorboat. Then, I arrived in Yangon in May. He made contact with a person called Ko Kyaw Han, who was in Yangon. Ko Kyaw Han and I went to the motorboat. On the motorboat, there were three persons on security. They went back home when we took over the boat.
“On the following days, more persons arrived to work on board through the connections of Ko Kyaw Han and Ko Thar Gyi. My salary was K500,000 per month. In addition to the salary, they occasionally issued me K300,000 to K500,000 in advance as necessary. I made seven trips between Yangon and Sittway on Taninthayi-I motorboat.
“Up to the sixth time, I had transported 5,000 bags of cement on the motorboat from Yangon to Sittway. On the seventh time, 460 bags of rice were loaded onto the motorboat at the Shwepyitha port. Then, more bags of cement were loaded at Miba Myitta port near the Shwepyitha port. At that port, 51 paper boxes were loaded after cement.
“When the paper boxes were about to be loaded, Ko Thar Gyi called me and said the paper boxes were important, and asked me to take care of them. He also gave me the phone number of the person who would send the paper boxes to the port. He said that person would come to contact me.
“A person, whom I later came to know as Naw Naw, contacted me and dropped off the 51 paper boxes from a Hijet. He said Ko Thar Gyi would give me K5 million on completion of the trip. On my trip from Yangon to Sittway, I cruised from the Yangon River to Khanaungto Creek, where I laid the anchor. At the time of flood tide, I cruised along the Twantay Canal, passing Maubin, Wakema and Myaungmya. After passing from below Ngapudaw, I proceeded to Hainggyi, Mawtinsun, and cruised along the Ngayokkaung-Chaungtha-Gwa coast. Then, I went straight to Sittway.
“When I was young, beginning in 2003, I drove motorboats in Taungup and worked honestly. Then, jobs were scarce, and I arrived here through the contacts of Ko Thar Gyi, who said I was just to transport legal goods. I would not have chosen this work if I had known that the goods were illegal. Only now did I know that AA members and transport of illegal goods were involved. I feel really upset. I have two sons. I feel greatly sorrowful for our existence and my sons’ future. I was told I had only to transport cement and work within the framework of law. This happened without knowing that narcotic drugs would be involved. I must say that they have used me. I feel really upset about transporting the goods without knowing they were illegal. I beg the pardon of young people and parents of Rakhine for my wrongdoing.
I want to tell them not to abuse these things. I think that these things would be sent from Sittway to other countries across the border. I have heard about the seizures of such narcotic drugs at the border. I also assume that AA should not use the proceeds from selling narcotic drugs for young Rakhine people and arms and ammunition.
You will also hear the confessions of Kyaw Han (a) Hsan Shay, who was in the rank of sergeant in the AA group, who transported the narcotic drugs from Yangon to Sittway by water.

Confessions of Kyaw Han (a) Hsan Shay (AA – 0287), in the rank of sergeant, of the AA group
“I’m a member of the AA group, Sergeant Kyaw Han, with personnel No 0287. On 5 January 2016, an AA member came to fetch me. Then, I was made to attend a course in Kyauktaw Township. The course was completed after May. They gave me a personnel number on completion of the course. I had to take care of the plantations. In May 2016, I had to live at Meewah Camp and participate in building more camps. That was a time when more and more camps were built near Padauk.
“Armed clashes took place when Myanmar Tatmadaw columns entered the area. At that time, two privates fell on our side. We fled the scene of engagement.
“On fleeing, we reached Kokesi. It was within MraukU Township, and we stayed there. We did casual work. As I didn’t have a secure job, staying with other persons, I moved to Pauktaw Township. I was staying there in hiding. While staying there, I rode boats carrying sand and stones. In 2021, a person called Aung Hsan Oo contacted me and asked whether I wanted to work. He said I had to ride a motorboat, by which AA transported goods.
“I replied to him that I would work. Then, he sent me to Yangon after giving me K200,000. After arriving in Yangon, I was sent to Seikkyi-Khanaungto. The place where there was the “Taninthayi” motorboat.

Then, I started working onboard. The motorboat transported goods. On the last voyage from Yangon to Sittway, 7,000 bags of cement, 460 bags of rice and 51 paper boxes of narcotic drugs. They were loaded at Mottama port in Shwepyitha. After arrival at Sittway, our motorboat was anchored amid the water, and members of AA came to fetch the goods on motorboats and small-engine boats. The narcotic drugs and goods were owned by AA. It took five days (four nights) to cruise from Yangon to Sittway.
I am an AA member.
The private number is AA 0178.
The officer’s number is AC 0304

I am Soe Tun, and I’m in the rank of second lieutenant.
I joined the AA course in 2012. I started the course in August and completed it in October. In January 2015, after being promoted to the rank of sergeant, Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun, who was the rank of a colonel, called the AA headquarters and told us that we had to do drug trafficking in Mandalay. So we came to Mandalay from the AA Laiza base to do drug trafficking. One day or two after I arrived, a person named Kyaw Min Htay from the AA group came to me. After being there about three or five months later, drugs arrived there with 12-wheeler trucks. We opened the narcotic drugs carried by the trucks, took pictures and then we showed it to in the rank of Colonel Wai Thar Tun via WeChat. After we showed it, we had to recheck it there. The drugs came to us by 12-wheeler trucks. Sometimes, they were carried by cars like bowser and 4-wheel vehicles. During 2015 and 2016, we received the drugs once a month or once in two months. We had first received 20 sacks of drugs and kept them in the warehouse. At the instruction of of Colonel Wai Thar Tun, we had to send the drugs to MraukU, Kyauktaw and Sittway in Rakhine State by trucks. After I was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in 2019, I went to northern Rakhine State in around 2020 at the request of Thar Thar (a) Colonel Wai Tha Tun, and when I arrived in the north of Maungtaw, AA group planned for me to stay there. Then, I had to work with Ko Aung Gyi, Ko Naing Shay, and Ko Pu. There, I had to send drugs and motorbikes to the Bangladesh border by motorbikes. And so we reached the border. We sent them to the Bangladesh border about five times. About 20 to 30 were sent once. In our words, we called one box, two boxes, etc… Ten rods are called a box. We used to send 20 rods or 30 rods once. When we reached the border, the brokers from Bangladesh picked them up. When I lived in Maungtaw, Rakhine State, I used to send narcotic drugs to Bangladesh for about a year. Around November, Thar Thar (alias) Wai Tha Tun, who was in the rank of colonel in the AA group, said that I must do drug trafficking in Yangon. Arriving in Yangon, I stayed with Lieutenant Tun Lin and Second Lieutenant Naw Naw in a warehouse in Kanaung Minthagyi Street, Zone 1.

On 23 November 2023, Second Lieutenant Naw Naw went by taxi and took the ICE — three bags containing one kilogramme (20) packets and one bag containing 15 packets, totalling 75 packets. When they arrived at the warehouse, Naw Naw, Lieutenant Tun Lin, and I packed them with paper. On 25 November, Naw Naw left me at a tea shop at the Pearl Street intersection. He took the drugs in another car and dropped them at that warehouse. After that, he picked me up by car. When I arrived at the warehouse, Second Lieutenant Naw Naw, Lieutenant Tun Lin, and I packed and stored 600 bags, one-kilo 20 packets in the warehouse.
The car that brought the drug was called Second Lieutenant Naw Naw. Since the drugs had already arrived, we went to pick them up with the Alphard car. At first, he arranged to meet at Pearl intersection, but later, he arranged to meet at the 14th Street intersection, so we went. They asked for the type and number of the car, and in the rank of Second Lieutenant Naw Naw said the type and number of the car. At the 14th Street intersection, one person waved and stopped our car. As soon as I got out of the car, I was arrested. The person who is a prominent leader of this drug business is in the rank of Colonel Thar Thar (a) Wai Thar Tun, who is in charge of the economic affairs of the AA group. It is not possible for the rank of Major General Tun Myat Naing to know that we are doing drug smuggling. He has known that. We have done it. But I regret it. I had to do as instructed. In fact, we don’t want to do it.

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