Comedians’ Association plans 2023-2024 comedy awards

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The photo shows the 13th Respect-Paying Ceremony to Senior Comedians by the Myanmar Comedians’ Association in 2023 in Nay Pyi Taw.

The Excellent Comedy Awards Ceremony will be jointly held with the 14th respect-paying ceremony to senior comedians in July, according to the Myanmar Comedians’ Association (Central).
The respect-paying ceremony dedicated to comedians aged over 65, scheduled for 7 July at the Myanmar International Convention Centre (MICC) in Nay Pyi Taw, will also include the award ceremony.
“We pay respect to our seniors annually, and we’re collecting cash donations for this 14th year. We need to rent cars and loudspeakers to collect donations for senior comedians. However, sometimes, we’re unable to pay for the car rental due to the poor amount of cash donations we receive during these difficult times. Therefore, we respectfully invite everyone to donate to support senior comedians who make people laugh in the olden days,” said comedian actor Dein Daung, Chairperson of the Myanmar Comedians’ Association.
A total of nine awards, including four Excellent Comedian Awards, one Supporting Comedian Award, and four Best Comedy Creation Awards for 2023-2024, will be given. These awards will be granted based on the screening and selection of comedians who have consistently demonstrated brilliant comedic skills in movies, videos, state TV channels, and social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube channels, among others. — ASH/TRKM

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