Coastal Resources Management Central Committee holds 5th meeting

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The fifth meeting of the Coastal Resources Management Central Committee in progress yesterday, addressed by SAC Member Deputy Prime Minister MoTC Union Minister General Mya Tun Oo.

The Coastal Resources Management Central Committee held its fifth meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Speaking at the meeting, State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo, in his capacity as Chairman of the central committee, said that the central committee has drafted the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) as per the assigned duties, and also highlighted the establishment of Myanmar coast guard, finalization of Marine Pollution Control Law, designation of no-fishing zones in certain areas that are rich in ecosystem and biodiversity, Hot Spot/Diving Sites, awareness campaigns to prevent coastal pollution and cooperation of departments concerned in reserved forests and protected public forests.
He added that the world countries including Myanmar are implementing the SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) in which 14 out of 17 goals are concerned with coastal and marine ecosystem development. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods.
However, 30 per cent of fish stocks are overexploited, resulting in significant decline of fish resources whereas sea pollution threatening fish resources and ecosystem.
About 80 per cent of marine debris come from land-based sources, and mostly plastic wastes and fishing net.
He also mentioned the adverse effects of marine pollution and amplified sound transmission devices installed on offshore and gas exploration vessels.
He then highlighted the 2020 report of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that estimated that 25 per cent of mammals, 27 per cent of sea birds and 27 per cent of coral reefs could go extinct, and half of the marine species will be at risk of extinction by 2100.
He urged all attendees to work together in drafting balanced policies and procedures to conserve the coastal and marine ecosystems.
Then, the secretary of the central committee the permanent secretary of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation briefed the ICM.
The General made a concluding remark after hearing the reports of the Union ministers, region and state chief ministers and officials, the deputy chief of staff (Navy), permanent secretaries, and directors-general. — MNA/KTZH

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