Chairman of State Administration Council Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses Council’s meeting (6/2021)

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State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presides over the Council meeting (6/ 2021) in Nay Pyi Taw on 15 March 2021.

The meeting (6/2021) of the State Administration Council took place at the meeting hall of the Council in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning with an address by Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

The meeting was also attended by Vice-Chairman of the Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army), Vice-Senior General Soe Win, council members General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Mann Nyein Maung, U Thein Nyunt, U Khin Maung Swe, Daw Aye Nu Sein, Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lone Hsai and Saw Daniel, Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo and Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Soe Htut.

Addressing the meeting, the Senior General said the protests staged by winning party supporters to show their dissatisfaction with the actions against the 2020 election results have now turned into riots and violence. Myanmar Police Force was assigned duties to subdue the protests according to democratic norms by exercising utmost restraint. The Tatmadaw is helping the police troops as rearguards in required places to solve the difficulties and obstacles. Although there have been fewer protests, violent acts emerged in some areas, such as burning public property and factories. So, security forces had to handle the situation very hard. The protesters raided police stations and administrative offices and burned factories.

Meanwhile, the shooting had to disperse the protesters, resulting in some security forces and protesters’ casualties. Therefore, martial law was imposed in Shwepyitha and Hlinethaya townships in Yangon on the night of 14 March. The martial law imposition was extended to the townships of Dagon Myothit (South and North), North Okkalapa and Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) yesterday morning. Control measures were taken only through democratic means and with patience.

However, there have been disturbances and insults even to monk folk. Behind the protests are instigators and financial supporters. So, the demonstrations have turned into violence.

Health staff are mainly responsible for public healthcare. Despite the closure of some hospitals, the majority have reopened to give treatment. Non-CDM doctors are under pressure now in the efforts to reopen the hospitals. Generally, doctors are considerate ones, so they need to respect the ethics of providing healthcare.

Plans are being made to reopen universities and colleges. There are education staff joining the CDM at some universities and colleges. Efforts are also being made to reopen basic education schools. As schools and universities’ closure causes many losses to students and parents, the Senior General expressed his willingness to reopen them as quickly as possible. Permission has been granted to issue matriculation mark lists to join the university. For university entrance, students should be allowed to choose the subjects they are suitable for. Then, they will be able to gain credit in their respective subjects. So, the ministry concerned has been instructed to take such measures. It is necessary to learn respective subjects and pass examinations outstandingly at universities. Good libraries are also required, and tertiary education must be promoted. Only through better education will the country develop. Therefore, education must be promoted, the Senior General said.

According to the statistics collected, it was learnt that the outbreak of COVID-19 in Myanmar has dropped. The decreasing rates of infection in townships are desirable prospects. Similarly, the death rate of the pandemic has also decreased. As the New Year of Myanmar is around the corner, it is necessary to organize the New Year event under certain restrictions.

In questioning people from the NLD, we treat them properly. Some of their revelations during the process have been announced. At the same time, there are plans to announce further revelations. Action will be taken against responsible officials at the state, region and union levels involved in corruption. It is also essential to serve the country’s interest without corruption when the SAC is discharging duties.

Although not all banks have been reopened yet, instructions have been given to reopen banks by taking necessary security measures. Banks have agreed to operate in accordance with the monetary policies adopted by the State since they were established. In accordance with rules and regulations, action will be taken against banks that cannot reopen. It is necessary to find out possible ways and means to reopen banks. As violations of rules and regulations adopted by the State in dealings with foreign currencies and lending limits were found out in the scrutinization of banking operations, it is necessary for the central bank to take measures for routine banking operations.

As all electricity generated is being consumed, it can be concluded that there are shortages of electricity. In generating electricity, solar power projects are being implemented. It is necessary to emphasize generating electricity from Paunglaung Hydropower Dam to establish smokeless industries in Nay Pyi Taw. It is required to invite local and foreign investment for garment factories and other factories and workshops that operate with electricity and manufacturing value-added products based on agriculture.

Several irregularities found out in the scrutinization of voter’s lists have been announced at the press meet. Therefore, it is crucial to take measures to ensure freeness, fairness and order in the upcoming elections. While the UEC is responsible for elections, it is necessary for relevant ministries to take systematic measures for proper voter’s lists. It is necessary for members of the Council to cooperate by taking respective responsibilities in preparation for the elections.

Afterwards, members of the Council U Thein Nyunt, Mahn Nyein Maung, U Khin Maung Swe, Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Daw Aye Nu Sein, U Sai Lone Hsai and Saw Daniel reported to the Senior General on the extension of martial law in more regions for the rule of law, security and stability of the State, disclosure of corruption, reopening of banks and acceleration of currency circulation, increased supports for teachers of national race’s languages, effective protection for the public, releasing news with firm evidence, taking action against those who involved in the illegal CRPH, offering assistance for development of ecotourism, allowing to operate manageable level oil fields to private entrepreneurs and cooperatives system, prevention of political manipulation of religion, countering media attacks with media, taking action against financing violent protests and cash transfers for them, appointing efficient ward and village-tract administration council members and protection for them, reopening factories and workshops, taking measure for smooth transportation and effective operation of the administrative mechanism.

The Vice-Senior General then explained the mine-clearing work in Kachin and Rakhine states.

In response to the presentations, the Senior General said the State’s management and administrative affairs are being carried out most gently according to democracy. People of the townships sharing a common border with the townships where martial law is in force now are expected to control one another. Normal demonstrations later turned into riots and vandalism because of the financial support and instigations from behind. As the cash assistance from specific foreign organizations and some banks’ involvement in cash transfers are found, the issue is under investigation. Coordination will be made with the relevant ministries to provide well-deserved aids to all teachers, including the ethnic language teachers.
The improvement of the qualifications of the teachers of the ethnic areas will be prioritized for the promotion of their education standard, and assistance will be provided for the monastic education schools, he said.

As agriculture and farming are the primary sources of livelihood for the country’s majority, value-added farm-based goods have become a requisite, and the government will encourage the SMEs. Arrangements are underway to provide agro loans, but the loans must be used wisely. Bagan, Mandalay, PyinOoLwin, Ngapali and Chaungtha are the priority destinations for the resumption of the local tourism industry soonest. Old oil fields will be tapped again under a cooperative or private system, he said.

Area-wise security awareness is required these days because of the possible attempts to grab the current situation as an opportunity. Efforts are being made to reach the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with all the EAOs. From that point, further measures will be taken to restore permanent peace. EAOs should have a clear view while embracing the spirit of peacefully working together in weal and woe in the nation’s affairs. The Council members should encourage all to join hands in the interest of the country, he said.—MNA

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