Central Committee on National Tourism Development 1/2024 meeting held

The Central Committee on National Tourism Development held its first coordination meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Transport and Communications General Mya Tun Oo, in his capacity as Chairman of the committee, first said the UN Tourism data shows that an estimated 1.3 billion international tourists were recorded around the world in 2023. The receipts totalled US$ 1.5 trillion, and the forward-looking data for 2024 suggests that demand will continue to stay strong.
In Myanmar, there were 1.28 million tourist arrivals in 2023, showing an increase of 4.5 times compared to 230,000 arrivals in 2022. Moreover, there were about 520,000 tourist arrivals from January to May 2024, and it shows an increase of 63 per cent when compared to 310,000 arrivals in the same period of last year. Therefore, efforts should be made to maintain such an increase and meet the number of tourists registered before the outbreak of COVID-19.
He then mentioned the efforts of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism to resolve the challenges in tourism sectors and offer the best services for respective destinations, plans to hold the 5th National Sports Festival in Nay Pyi Taw from 9 to 20 December, and stressed the need to apply digital technology in exploring market, online cashless payment, and to adopt long-term aim to facilitate the Ease of Doing Businesses including MSMEs and tourism industry.
He also urged to work with the locals to ensure the quality and hygiene of local food and traditional food of ethnic people, and the tourism entrepreneurs and travel agencies to work hard to lure tourists by flights. At the same time, the government upgraded the airports in the townships of Kengtung, Pathein, and Tachilek.
He then highlighted the efforts of the committee. The Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism, vice-chair of the committee, the committee secretary and attendees reported on implementations of decisions made at the 2/2023 committee meeting, a reshuffle of one member of the Tourism Working Committee and recruitment of the chairman, secretary and members of nine region and state tourism working committees, the adoption of GLMS and tourism-related matters.
After hearing reports, General Mya Tun Oo made proper instructions and concluded the meeting. — MNA/KTZH

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