CBM discusses AML/CFT implementations

CBM Governor Daw Than Than Swe chairs the coordination meeting of the Working Group on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism yesterday.

Central Bank of Myanmar Governor Daw Than Than Swe, who is also Chair of the Working Group on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism, addressed the coordination meeting of the committee yesterday.
In her speech, she said the observers of APJG appreciated the progress and implementation of Myanmar. As a result of the good outcomes, Myanmar has been promoted to largely compliant (LC), attaining five immediate outcomes in total from 2021 to 2024. Although there are such positive outcomes and progress, there are media attacks that affect the interest of the public. Therefore, the statements were issued to the public regarding AML/CFT implementations.
She also stressed the need to scope the significant facts to be discussed at the preliminary meeting of FATF and the workgroups of the meeting of ICRG in Singapore. She then talked about the actions to be taken against those who run illegal digital currency trading, foreign currency and hundi services as per the Anti-Money Laundering Law and Financial Institutions Law.
The vice-chairperson, secretary and members of the committee coordinated the discussion, and the governor concluded the meeting. — MNA/KTZH

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