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Free energy device under invention and local inventor will disclose it if successful
Exploring Kachin Culture Development through Music and Art: SAC Member and Union Minister engage in discussion
Protest Against Terrorism: People condemn destruction, desecration of religious edifices
New Year’s Eve celebrations kick off in Taungkalay Village, Kayin State
Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun clarifies terrorist acts by MNDAA, TNLA, AA regarding religion
Don’t underestimate pandemics in global community
Jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind Promote the in-depth development of China-Myanmar relations
Black gram, pigeon pea prices dip; green gram prices stable
2023 sees 163 accidents on YGN-MDY Expressway: Increased fatalities despite fewer incidents
Changing chilli market dynamics: Demand shifts from cold storage to fresh produce