Burnt missionary Sayadaw’s body found

Picture1 sskm
27 mile and seven furlongs post.

It has already announced that Sayadaw Ashin Pannajota from Twideng Village in Chin State, who left for Mindat by Nissan Note on 4 June to sit for Phahtamapyan written test to be held in Haka on 7 June, was missing.
According to the investigation, the Sayadaw was burnt by the terrorists on Mindat-Matupi road. Therefore, his lay attendant U Lain Lay of Taungpulu monastery and local residents went to the incident place on 11 June and found the burnt body of the Sayadaw and vehicle in the bush about 500 feet from 27 miles and seven furlongs long road.
Mindat Myoma police station investigated the case to arrest the suspects who killed the innocent missionary monk.
The security measures have been heightened to reveal the case as the armed groups brutally killed the innocent civilians including members of the Sangha. —MNA

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