Border region development subcommittee meeting 1/2024 held

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The meeting 1/2024 of Road, Bridge, and Building Development Working Subcommittee on the development of border regions and ethnic communities in progress yesterday.

The Road, Bridge, and Building Development Working Subcommittee held its first coordination meeting 2024 at the Union Minister’s Office of the Ministry of Border Affairs on 18 June 2024. The meeting focused on the development of border regions and ethnic communities.
Maj-Gen Phyo Thant, Deputy Minister for Border Affairs and Chairperson of the Subcommittee, presided over the meeting. Attendees included heads of departments from relevant ministries, chairpersons of regional and state subcommittees, and other officials.
In his opening remarks, Maj-Gen Phyo Thant emphasized the critical role of infrastructure development in the socioeconomic progress of border areas. He highlighted the importance of coordinating short-term and long-term projects planned by the relevant ministries.
Subcommittee representatives then reported on the implementation of road, bridge, and building projects from the 2011-2012 to the 2023-2024 financial year. They also discussed activities, financial allocations, and plans for the 2024-2025 financial year.
The meeting concluded with discussions and suggestions from the deputy minister and other attendees, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of ongoing and future development projects. — MNA/TS

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