Basic Sewing Machine Operator Training Course set on 24 June-12 July

DSC 0727 sskm
Female workers seen at the production line at the garment factory.

Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA) will open a Basic Sewing Machine Operator Training Course (Batch 239) from 24 June to 12 July 2024 at the Myanmar Garment Human Resources Development Training Centre (MGHRDC).
The course will provide practical and technical approaches to sewing machines, different sewing methods, labour laws and practices.
This training will also help job seekers from regions outside Yangon connect with the garment factories with a view to creating job opportunities.
Those who wish to attend the training can enrol through phone numbers 09 940858350, 09 450723262, 09 9403912570, 09 784085794 and 09 952802635. — NN/EM

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