Avoid undisciplined disposing of foods as waste

Governments in successive eras have been striving for food security for the entire people as a basic need of society. While the governments are making utmost efforts to supply food to the people, nobody should waste valuable food for any reason.
Various kinds of foods all people including ethnicities consume on a daily basis are not easily obtained. Farmers in different types growing paddy, pulses and beans, oil crops and other crops as well as cattle and farming animals invest their endeavours and their youngness in farming works with might and main to be able to produce agricultural produce and livestock products for consumers.
As such, everybody needs to pay attention to their efforts in agricultural and livestock breeding farming works which play a key role in the supply of food to the people in daily consumption. If everybody knows the difficulties and investment of efforts of farmers in chains of food production, they have to avoid unacceptable waste of food in all arenas.
It is because food is the most basic need among food, clothing and shelter along the life of humans. These foods consist of essential nutritious elements for humans such as protein, vitamins, carbon hydrate, fatty acids and minerals. As such, every kind of food is valuable.
The United Nations Environmental Program-UNEP released a global waste of food report in 2021, saying that the whole world disposed of more than 1 billion tonnes of waste food, which comprises 13 per cent of waste foods from retailers, 26 per cent from food services and 61 per cent from households. It is very regrettable for agriculture and livestock farmers and food producers.
No matter what large volume the world produces, if there is some waste of foods, the whole world will face varieties of losses. Although millions of global people are under starvation, the waste volume of food is growing. In fact, everybody understands the important role of food in their daily routine but they cannot prevent the daily occurrence of millions of tonnes of waste. In Myanmar, yearly waste of foods weighs 4.6 million tonnes.
Indeed, preventive measures against the waste of food are based on personal attitude and social ethics. They have to minimize the waste of food in daily consumption. Only when every family and every society can reduce the waste of food will the whole country stop the unacceptable waste and loss of food as well as unnecessary spending of the State fund. So, let’s stop the waste of food!

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