Artist Gallery Café to host artist Kyaw Ohn’s solo art exhibition

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The image shows an invitation letter from artist Kyaw Ohn’s solo art exhibition.

The solo art exhibition of artist Kyaw Ohn will be displayed at the Artist Gallery Café, situated in Sangyoung Township, Yangon, from 21 to 23 June.
“The solo art exhibition of Sayagyi U Kyaw Ohn will be held for three days. Therefore, we would like to invite all art lovers to enjoy his creations at the Artist Gallery Café,” said the gallery in-charge.
The experienced artist Kyaw Ohn was an assistant lecturer at the National University of Arts and Culture and the principal of the State School of Fine Arts. It is also known that he has showcased more than 120 art exhibitions at home and abroad. The paintings, created using various mediums such as watercolour, oil colour, and acrylic, will be reportedly displayed at the solo art exhibition. — ASH/TRKM

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