Arson attacks occur in some townships

The armed terrorists and insurgents set the state-owned buildings on fire in some townships of regions and states.
About 80 armed insurgents made an arson attack on the combined inspection gate, which was temporarily closed, near Htwee Lwee Bilar village beside Dimawhso-Prusho road in Dimawhso Township of Kayah State on 21 May. The fire damaged two buildings.
On 22 May, another arson attack occurred at district court and township court of Tat Oo Thida Ward of Kalay Township in Sagaing Region. One hundred fifty-three motorcycles and four vehicles kept in the courts were destroyed in the fire.
Similarly, a basic education school in Oo Kyay Ward of Pyinmana Township of Nay Pyi Taw was caught fire after being intentionally set on fire by the terrorists. The fire damaged some teaching materials.
The officials make efforts to take action against the terrorists who launched arson attacks.—MNA

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