Appreciation for the opening of the Legal Advocacy Centre

Legal sskm
Legal Advocacy Centre, Nay Pyi Taw.

The establishment of a Legal Advocacy Centre in Nay Pyi Taw marks a significant milestone in the country’s journey toward justice and legal empowerment.
The motto for the Ministry of Legal Affairs (MOLA) is “the legal profession is a noble profession”, and the mission is to protect legal rights, to be better functions of MOLA, to participate in the judicial system for promoting public trust and to participate in the justice sector reform.
The State Administration Council (SAC) Chairman and Prime Minister attended and unveiled the signage of the Legal Advocacy Centre of the Ministry of Legal Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw on 29 April 2024.
The SAC Chairman stressed the need to accumulate legal knowledge for initiating the peace and stability of the nation, the rule of law and the socioeconomic development of the people, adding administrative authorities need to be skilful in legal affairs for their management measures and follow the laws. As such, the SAC Chairman said that all arts and science universities teach law subjects to confer BA (Law) degrees on graduates, and other significant universities give training to the students to get LLB degrees. Hence, he urged all legal experts in Myanmar to try hard to become international legal experts.
The opening of this centre provides a vital resource for individuals who may face legal challenges, ensuring they have access to legal representation, advocacy, and support. By offering guidance and assistance, the centre can empower individuals to navigate the complexities of the legal system and assert their rights with confidence.
By providing legal assistance, advocacy, and education, this centre can empower all communities, promote human rights, and contribute to the overall development of a fair and just society. It’s heartening to see efforts being made to strengthen the rule of law and support fundamental rights in Myanmar.
This Legal Advocacy Centre initiatives to play a crucial role in ensuring that all individuals and communities have the necessary provisions and symbols to navigate the legal system.
This creditable effort reflects a dedication to developing a fair and just society where the rights and dignity of every individual are respected and protected.
This endeavour deserves sincere appreciation for its enthusiasm for promoting justice, equality, and the rule of law. It is an inspiration of hope for those in need of legal assistance and contributes to positive change in Myanmar.
In addition, I appreciate all those involved in the establishment of the Legal Advocacy Centre in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.

– Global New Light of Myanmar Newspaper (30 April 2024)


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