Announcement of illegal organizations

1. The Labour Organization Law was enacted in 2011 and enforced on 9 March 2012.
2. The employees have to register for forming the workers’ organizations for labour affairs in accordance with the stipulations of Section 9, 10, 11 and 12.
3. The registered workers’ organizations can serve in accordance with the stipulations of Labour Organization Law.
4. Currently, the following organizations are not registered in line with the law and identified as illegal organizations-
(a) All Burma Federation of Trade Union
(b) Let’s Help Each Other
(c) Future Light Centre
(d) Action Labour Right
(e) All Myanmar Trade Union’s Network
(f) Agriculture Freedom of Myanmar
(g) Association for Labour Development (ALD)
(h) Federation of Garment Workers Myanmar
(i) Freedom and Labour Action Group
(j) Labour Power Group
(k) We Generation Network
(l) Yaung Chi Oo Workers Association
(m) Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar (STUM)
(n) Cooperation Committee of Trade Unions (CCTU)
(o) All Myanmar Oil Workers’ Union
(p) Industrial Women Workers Organization (IWWO)
5. Therefore, these organizations are not the legal ones, and their activities also do not conform to the law. If they keep run, effective action will be taken in accordance with the existing law.
Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population

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