Action to be taken against media on fake information to misunderstand incident of attack on Kinmunchaung bus terminal to Kyaiktiyo Pagoda

Brutal attacks for no reason of KNLA Brigade 1 and so-called PDF terrorists under NUG and CRPH left three pilgrims dead and 19 wounded at Kinmunchaung bus terminal to Kyaiktiyo Pagoda in Kyaikto Township of Mon State on 12 October.
Some media mention fabricated information which may misunderstand the death and injuries triggered by attacks of terrorists based on unexacted facts and talks.
Witnesses, CCTVs, the route of terrorists and sites where civilians were dead and injured were scrutinized for knowing the reality of the incidents. The detailed scrutiny was found as follows:-
(a) Some 15 terrorists from KNLA Brigade 1 and PDFs under NUG and CRPH arrived at the scene by Vego vehicle passing the Kadat Creek Bridge from Saungnainggyi Village and took a position at shops west and southwest of the Kinmunchaung bus terminal.
(b) When pilgrims got on the pilgrimage vehicle 3K/6534 at the terminal, they launched the fire of small arms in series. So, a woman from the stage to the vehicle, another woman from the vehicle and another one from the first step of the ladder fell to death due to gun fires, totalling three and 18 other pilgrims were injured. The CCTV showed a woman who fell at the start of the shot. The majority of the injured reached aboard and around the vehicle.
(c) Rude terrorists without religious faith opened fires at the bus terminal with the intention to disturb the happiness and pleasure of the citizens on the auspicious occasion of Thadingyut. At a time when pilgrims were dead and injured, security forces responded to the terrorists with counter-attacks so as to protect the life of people. Terrorists launched 40 mm launchers and small arms attacks, leaving one security member injured.
(d) After firing, terrorists retreated from the scene by car. On their way, they fired Aung Htoo San bus terminal with small arms from the vehicle.
(e) According to the investigation, some parts of the vehicle were damaged by bullet-shots in a series of attacks of terrorists and pilgrims were dead and injured.
CCTVs around the scene caught the images of brutal acts of terrorists. This evidence showed the death and injuries of pilgrims triggered by attacks of KNLA Brigade 1 and PDF terrorists.
Although the government released official information based on talks of Buddhists and Myanmar citizens on social media opposing terrorism and exact evidence of ground situations, pessimistic Irrawaddy and BBC news agencies turned a blind eye to the correct information mentioned security forces opened fire at pilgrims. Such an act broke the media ethics shamefully and action will be taken against these new agencies under the communications law, news media law and under the existing laws for the accusation of security forces. — MNA

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