Abhidhamma exam graduates in Indonesia receive certificates

the 2023 Abidhamma sskm
The photo depicts the ceremony where certificates were awarded to those who passed the 2023 Buddhist Abhidhamma examination held in Indonesia.

The Permanent Representative of Myanmar to ASEAN, Ambassador U Aung Myo Myint, attended a ceremony held at the Dhammavihari Buddhist Studies monastery in Jakarta, Indonesia, to confer certificates upon those who passed the 2023 Buddhist Abhidhamma examination on 9 June, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ambassador U Aung Myo Myint conferred first, second, and third-level completion certificates to a total of 46 graduates before delivering a speech of honour.
Also present at the ceremony were Ashin Kheminda, the head lecturer of the Dhammavihari Buddhist Studies monastery, Dr Supriyadi MPd, the Director-General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, officials from the Myanmar Embassy, graduates, and nearly 300 Indonesians who are studying Buddhism. — ASH/TH

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