Myanmar attends ASEAN Forum on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in Indonesia

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Forum attendees are seen posing for a commemorative photo.

U Zaw Zaw Soe, Charge d’Affaires and Minister of the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to Singapore, attended the ASEAN Forum on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly, held on 15-16 July 2024 in Banten, Indonesia.
The forum, chaired by the representative of AICHR-Indonesia, was attended by representatives from the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) from ASEAN member states, relevant ASEAN sectoral bodies, the United Nations, AICHR alternates, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations, and think tanks.
The forum aims to provide a platform for sharing measures and building the capacity of relevant actors in implementing Article 24 of the AHRD regarding the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This consultation is part of the AICHR’s Five-Year Work Plan (FYWP) for 2021-2025. — ASH/TH

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