Myanmar Derangement Syndrome


There is rampant Myanmar Derangement Syndrome within the has-beens and wannabes from the international organizations. Obnoxious, holier than thou, arrogant mindset is widespread in their midst. They have to pile in on those brown and yellow people in faraway developing countries. When it comes to their “Uncles” in powerful Western countries, they don’t register.
Some “has-beens”, even if they worked in Myanmar decades ago and already retired, can’t stay away. Some return to the border areas wearing military fatigue. Looking tough! Some have thriving consultancy business. Appear here ! Appear there! There’s no shortage of “events” in the Western capitals for endless, meaningless discussions about Myanmar, all the while totally oblivious about the reality. Then there are some who just keep their names in the picture for potential future contracts. A group has even replicated a name with “SAC” in it! Who in the right mind! Are they really that desperate?
Then there’s a so-called rapporteur who lobs grenades form his base in Washington D. C. Based in Washington D. C., what is he supposed to do! Such a righteous person! China take note! Russia take note!
Let’s be honest. The best and the brightest don’t work for years/decades in the international organizations with a civilian paygrade. The best and the brightest go work for financial firms, law firms, hedge funds, etc., etc. There’s a need for these mediocre average IQ people to feel righteous.
On a separate matter, a certain “economist” has been making rounds selling books. The question people should ask is, how could any government allow a foreign citizen to be privy of intimate information of the country’s sensitive details. Even the best of the allies such as United States and the UK, for example. Imagine if the leader of the United States enlists a UK national as a close economist advisor and share sensitive knowledge and information of the US? Could that even happen? Only in Myanmar when a foreign national is enlisted as a senior advisor to the leadership, the person is hoisted, celebrated and accepted as if it’s a standard procedure. Let the distinguished “economist” to find a position with say, Prime Minister of Singapore, Prime Minister of Thailand and see if that is possible, let alone a Western government. How can a foreign national, any foreign national, can become a close economic advisor to the leadership of a country. Who might they be reporting the sensitive information of the country? Has anyone ask?
On yes, from 2015 to 2020, it was an open knowledge (not open secret!) that an official from a certain foreign embassy even sat in on some cabinet meetings (you know who you are).
Let’s be real, people!

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