Emerald Green Project Fund loans over K496 billion nationwide, boosting rural agriculture and livestock sectors

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Loans from Emerald Green Project Fund are handed over to resident.

According to U Myo Naing Aung, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Rural Development, the Emerald Green Project Fund was spent on disbursing over K496 billion in loans across the country, primarily benefiting the agriculture and livestock sectors.
“To date, over K496 billion has been lent to 1.3 million households, encompassing a population of 9.4 million nationwide, through the Emerald Green Project Fund. These loans have been issued towards rural areas, supporting small businesses including agriculture, livestock, fishery, rural electrification, and manufacturing sectors,” U Myo Naing Aung explained.
He further noted, “The fund has provided over K300 billion in loans to more than 700,000 households for agricultural activities, and K126 billion to over 400,000 households for livestock activities. To ensure security and efficiency, we use only digital payment systems for these loans and collaborate with service companies and village-based service groups”.
The Emerald Green Project Fund operates the capital revolving fund for the villages, allocating K30 million per village from the State funds. These village funds are managed by committees elected by public and offer low-interest loans at K0.5 to K1.5 per month to support activities that boost family income. The interest earned is reinvested into the village community fund or used for other village projects, as agreed by the community. —ASH/KZL

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