State Administration Council holds Waso robe-offering ceremony 2024

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla attended the Waso robe-offering ceremony of SAC for 2024 at Sasana Maha Beikman in the precinct of the Uppatasanti Pagoda in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
The Senior General paid homage to the Buddha image in the Beikman and offered alms in the emerald alms bowl, fruits, flowers, water and oil lights.
Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Patron of Thanlyin Minkyaung Sayadaw Aggamaha Pandita Aggamaha Saddhammajotikadhaja Dr Bhaddanta Candima Bhivamsa, and members of the Sangha recited Metta Sutta.
The Senior General and his wife donated Waso robes and alms to Chairman Thanlyin Minkyaung Sayadaw.
SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win also offered Waso robes and alms to Secretary Presiding Patron of Masoeyein Taikthit Dhammatheikdi Monastery Sayadaw Aggamaha Pandita Aggamaha Sadhamma jotikadhaja Maha Dhammakathika Bhahujanahitadhara Bhaddanta Vasettha Bhivamsa.
The SAC Secretary and his wife, the Joint Secretary and his wife, council members and their wives and Union-level dignitaries presented Waso robes and offerings to members of the Sangha.
The Secretary Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits gained.
Also present at the ceremony were Ovadacariya Sayadaws of Uppatasanti Pagoda, Union ministers and their wives, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chairman, senior Tatmadaw officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command and officials.
After the ceremony, the Senior General and his wife, together with attendees, offered day meals to members of the Sangha. — MNA/TTA

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