Effective seizure of illegal goods in Yangon Region and beyond

Confiscated illegal items.

Under the supervision of the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee, efforts to prevent and prosecute unlawful trade continue effectively in accordance with the law.
On 9 July, a combined team managed by the Customs Department conducted inspections at the Myanmar Industrial Port. They seized 4,500 vials of Tramagesic 100 injection and two other items, which are valued at K103 million. Another team also confiscated 20 ticals of gold (Academy brand), which lacked documents worth K90 million. Legal action has been taken in accordance with Customs procedures.
On 10 July, a combined team under the Yangon Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force inspected and seized an unregistered Nissan Wingroad vehicle worth approximately K3.5 million near Yangon Dental Medicine University in Thingangyun Township, and the action was taken under the Import/Export Law.
On 10 July, another team under the Sagaing Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force inspected and seized one unregistered Jialing-90 motorbike and one unregistered Luojia-110 motorbike worth K600,000 and the action was taken under the Import-Export Law.
Additionally, on the same day, a combined team under the Taninthayi Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force inspected and seized three unregistered Honda Fit cars worth K23.5 million in Myeik Township.
Similarly, on 10 July, a team under the Bago Region Illegal Trade Eradication Special Task Force seized illegal hardwood weighing 7.058 tonnes, other wood weighing 5.329 tonnes worth approximately K5.5 million in Toungoo District and Thayawady District, and one unregistered tractor valued at K1.5 million in Pyay District. The action was taken under the Forest Law and Import-Export Law.
The Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee reported that ten arrests were made on 9 and 10 July, resulting in the seizure of illegal goods worth approximately K227 million. —MNA/TMT

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