Free perennials boost tree population in Pyay

photo 2024 07 09 17 28 13 1
The Forest Department gave teak plants to Ma Moe Moe Than.

A project that has perennials being distributed free in Bago Region’s Pyay Township is helping plant growers, and they are pleased, and the number of trees is expected to grow.
Landowners are wondering about growing perennials instead of leaving their land vacant.
“Perennials are being given free at the Forest Department. Anyone can get it. But if you want to grow plants, you will need to have land and fill out a form stating how many acres of land you own and where it is. We have 10 acres of land, so they give me 3,000 plants. They give plants depending on how many acres of land you have. When plants are ready to sell, they will come to log, and we will have to pay back 30 per cent of the tax. We saw teak trees about four and five years old in the vast areas of land when we visited other towns. Now, teak plantations are allowed for the private sector, too. We got to know about it when they explained it to us. Ninety-six teak trees can be planted on a 40 feet-60 feet land. Some grow teak trees on their lands now instead of leaving them vacant,” said Ma Moe Moe Than, who grows perennials in Pyay.
When perennials become ready for sale, growers can enjoy more income.
“I went there to buy plants, but the department told me it is not for sale but for free. Eucalyptus trees are valuable. But we took teak trees. Teak can be made into poles in three years and worth millions of kyats in 10 years,” she said. — Thit Taw/ZS/ED

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