New retaining wall to be constructed for Kyaiktiyo Pagoda to prevent monsoon damage

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Photo shows Kyaiktiyo Pagoda.

According to U Soe Hla, Chair of the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda Board of Trustees, a retaining wall is scheduled to be constructed on the western side of the platform of Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, located in Kyaikto Township, Mon State.
The mountains along the uphill road to the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda were devastated by torrential rain during the monsoon season. Authorities are clearing debris from the road to ensure vehicles can travel without delay. Consequently, a retaining wall will also be constructed on the western side of the pagoda platform.
“Mountains often suffer damage from floods after heavy and continuous rain. We are currently repairing the recently damaged road. However, there have been two instances of mountain collapse in the early monsoon of this year. There is no dangerous situation or congestion on the road, so travellers can proceed as usual,” said U Soe Hla.
“Ditches are being constructed to divert water flowing from the mountain, and we are also engaged in cleaning processes. We have built many retaining walls along the road. We have also invited tenders to build the retaining wall on the western side of the pagoda platform,” he added.
The planned retaining wall will be 160 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 20 feet high, and it will be constructed with reinforced concrete. — ASH/TMT

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