SAC member makes inspection tours in Myitkyina

DSC 1982 sskm
State Administration Council Member Daw Dwe Bu encourages staff engaging in cleaning at Manaw Ground in Myitkyina yesterday.

State Administration Council Member Daw Dwe Bu, accompanied by Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Soe Win, Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan and officials, inspected the warehouses of the Kachin State Natural Disaster Management Department to ensure the relief items for flood victims in Myitkyina.
Then, the SAC member and officials headed to the rehabilitation centre for drug addicts established using the Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Special Fund, temporary camps for flood victims at the monastery in Myaymyint ward, Sasana Yanthi monastery in Rampu ward, the Manaw field and Manaw House in Sitapu ward to inspect training courses and proper assistance, healthcare services for flood victims, and cleaning activities.
They also visited Myitkyina University and inspected the 100-acre Bala Min Htin model field. — MNA/KTZH

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