Social aid groups and fire brigades rush to evacuate flood victims in Myitkyina to safety

photo 2024 07 01 18 40 19
Flooding and victims being evacuated to safe areas.

Due to floods in Myitkyina, Kachin State, social aid groups and fire brigades have been rushing to evacuate victims to safe areas, according to local social aid groups.

The upper reaches of Ayeyawady river have been experiencing heavy rains for several days, causing the water level to rise and flooding in villages along the river, including Myitkyina.

After receiving information that Ayeyawady water level rose and flooded Le Kone, Kyet Paung Chan and Rampu villages of Myitkyina from about 8:00 am on 30 June, permanent fire fighters and reserve members from Myitkyina township began search and rescue operation, and water level continued to rise more on 1 July.

photo 2024 07 01 18 40 16
Flooding and victims being evacuated to safe areas.

“Myitkyina is flooded. Some are trapped. There are many people asking the group for help. Some houses are now under water. We are now evacuating and relocating property. As Kyet Paung Chan and Rampu are close to the river, water is constantly coming in via ditches. Water level is still rising. These are the main flooded areas. All the people from social aid groups, parahita groups and fire brigades are helping in different areas. This is only happening in Myitkyina. Right now, it is not very dangerous. Water is rising, but we don’t know what will  happen in the evening. If it rises more, it can be dangerous,” said an official from a social aid group.

According to the statement of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology on 1 July for the first 10 days of July, rising Ayeyawady water level forecasts include six to 10 feet in Myitkyina, Bhamo, Shweku, Katha, Thabeikyin, Mandalay, Sagaing and Myinmu, and 10 to 12 feet in Pakokku, NuaungU, Chauk, Minbu, Magway, Aunglan and Pyay, four to five feet in Seiktha, Hinthada and Zalun, while other forecasts include rising Chindwin water level of eight to 13 feet in Khanti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik, Kalewa, Minkin, Kanni and Monywa, rising Myittha water level of 5.5 feet in Kalay, rising Dottawadi water level of one to three feet in Thibaw and Shwesayan and eight feet in Myitnge, rising Sittaung of two to three feet in Toungoo and Madauk, two feet of Shwekyin in Shwekyin, 2.5 feet of Thaungyin in Myawady, one to three feet of Ngawun in Ngathaingchaung, Thapaung and Pathein, two feet of Toe in Maubin, 3.5 feet of Bilin in Bilin.


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