Chinese apples sell better than Thailand apples in Mandalay fruits market due to price gap

Chinese apples also known as pan lone thee are on sale among other fruits
Chinese apples also known as pan lone thee are on sale among other fruits

Apples imported from China also known as pan lone thee have been sold well in Mandalay fruits market, compared to Thailand-imported apples due to price gap.

Only those who can afford can eat Thailand apples and the trading of Chinese apples was also healthy last year.

“Thailand apples are expensive so most of fruits sellers are unable to trade it. But Chinese apples also known as pan lone thee which are imported from China in baskets have high consumption and affordable for all classes. Chinese apples were sold well last year too,” said an owner of Pyae Sone Aung fruits retail and wholesale trading in Mandalay.

Due to being expensive, just a few traders can trade Thailand-imported fruits in Mandalay and the fruits market has relied mainly on China-imported fruits and native species of fruits.

“In Myanmar, all classes, middle class in particular, enjoy apples so the trading is doing well. Apple is one of the most consumed fruit in Myanmar,” said U Kyaw Tun, a retail fruit seller in Yangon. – Thit Taw/ZS

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