Machine bricks sell well even in monsoon

As construction projects remain unfinished, there are non-stop orders for machine bricks even in the monsoon season when constructions, including house repairs, have been few typically.

In monsoon, raw material for making machine brick has been short, helping brick markers enjoy high prices.

“We have received constant orders because some constructions have remained unfinished. The price gets high because the supply has been low. The trading has run without interruption. The brick market is usually better in Thadinkyut, and the price falls back around February. The trading is the best in October, November and December,” said an official from the Ko Aung Zaw Min machine brick trading in Taikkyi Township.

The brick price fell slightly last March. The number of machine brickmakers has grown, creating a balance between supply and demand.

“In past, trading was usually slow at this time because people didn’t do construction like house repairs in monsoon. However, we can say that the trading is still going well as a result of unfinished construction projects. Machine bricks have gained popularity in the construction sector,” said a machine brick maker in Yangon Region. – Thit Taw/ZS/ED

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