MSF provides health support to senior seafarers

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The Myanmar Seafarers Federation (MSF) has been providing health support to senior seafarers with chronic conditions, contributing K68.1 million to 681 retired seafarers so far.
There is a fund of K127.194 million from 836 donors at present. MSF is committed to five objectives and forms ten subcommittees to achieve the objectives. A working subcommittee for senior seafarers’ health assistance was formed in September 2021, with eight committee members without an executive.
The subcommittee opened a fixed deposit account with a K51 million fund in mid-October 2021. The subcommittee manages funding and contributions from the interests of the fixed deposit account without approval from MSF’s executive board. The subcommittee’s report is forwarded to the MSF’s executive board and patrons every three months.
Individuals can contact the subcommittee through members (Captain Pwint Thit at 09 5112325, Captain Zaw Myint at 09 5060748 and U Lat Ko Ko at 09 5089498. — NN/KK

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