MRF extends affordable rice scheme to other regions/states

Myanmar Rice Federation’s affordable rice scheme will reach out to more regions and states, according to the MRF’s notification on 27 June.
At present, MRF is selling Shwebo Pawsan, Ayeyawady Pawsan and Aemahta rice varieties at affordable rates in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon, Mandalay, Bago and Ayeyawady regions by coordinating with rice millers, rice shops and depots. The cheap price scheme covers 58 shops in Yangon, 120 in Mandalay and 96 in Nay Pyi Taw.
Moreover, direct delivery to home service will also commence on 1 July in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay.
Additionally, the federation will arrange for social and religious institutions, government organizations, factories, and restaurants to buy rice at an affordable and reasonable rate.
Supermarkets, mini-marts and shopping centres resumed Shwebo Pawsan, Ayeyawady Pawsan and Aemahta rice sales with consumer packs (small bags, boxes, containers) starting from 27 June, and the price is lower than the previous rates.
Consumers can buy rice, submit suggestions and enquire through the contact numbers of the MRF:  09 400067240, 09 400067250 and 09 400067260. — NN/KK

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