Japan to recruit up to 1300 Myanmar workers

photo 2024 06 28 17 37 17
Some Myanmar workers who officially went to work in Japan.

In a statement issued on 28 June, Myanmar Embassy in Japan said more than 380 Japan companies will provide jobs for over 1300 Myanmar workers.

It is the statement about 387 demand letters that the embassy submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until 19 May 2024 after verification.

According to it, Japanese companies will recruit up to 560 Myanmar male workers and up to 760 Myanmar female workers, totalling up to 1300.

The embassy has carried out timely verifications of demand letters received from the Ministry of Labour via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the statement.

It verifies whether labour supervisory company and factories or companies which offered jobs in Japan are officially established or not, and re-submits its findings and remarks to the Ministry of Labour through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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