Yangonites visit Palin Kanthaya Elephant Camp on weekends

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An elephant from the Palin Kanthaya Elephant Camp.

On weekends, there are loads of visitors from Yangon Region at a famous elephant camp, Palin Kanthaya.
The Ayeyawady River locates the elephant camp near West Palin village beside Myingyan-Pakokku Road in NyaungU Township, Mandalay Region, and elephant lovers from all regions and states can feed elephant buffets.
“Generally, most visitors are locals on weekdays. However, on weekends, the majority of visitors are from Yangon. We have made connections with travel companies, and through those, visitors from Yangon come here on weekends. They headed from Yangon on Friday and arrived back on Sunday. We have guests almost every day, and the majority are from Yangon,” said U Myo Min, the person in charge of the elephant camp.
Annual vaccination and healthcare are provided for all elephants at the camp, and elephant camps are welcoming visitors.
“We have provided vaccination for elephants on a regular basis and fed them necessary supplements. We have provided healthcare services for them. Elephant camps are open in Nay Pyi Taw, Taunggyi, Pathein and other regions and states, and they have also provided regular services for visitors. I want to say that not only our Palin Kanthaya but all elephant camps across the country welcome visitors,” he said. — Thit Taw/ZS

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