‘Mingala Pwekhin’ dramatic art concert at Sedona Hotel on 6 July

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Characters who are involved in ‘Mingala Pwekhin’.

A dramatic art concert titled ‘Mingala Pwekhin’ will be staged at the Sedona Hotel in Yankin Township, Yangon Region, at 4 pm on 6 July.
Golden Key Entertainment organizes the concert. The leading male performers include Tin Maung San Min Win, Boon, Thiha Hlaing, and Phu Chit, while the leading female performers are Yay Kyi Chan Mya, Aye Thanda Bo, Chan Chan Moe, and Awbaa San, all of whom will perform dances. Additionally, comedians Pauk Kyaw and Phyo Kyaw will provide entertainment.
Tickets for the concert are priced at K30,000, K50,000, and K70,000. Attendees will be treated to coffee and snacks.
As a souvenir, lucky draws and door gifts are arranged for the audience with every type of ticket. — ASH/TKO

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