People’s military servants training No 3 begins across various commands

As every citizen is under a duty to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes: non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty, Training No 1 and 2 for people military servants was successfully conducted in regions and states.
Eligible citizens for Training No 3 arrived at the respective military stations, and the opening ceremonies were organized yesterday.
The principals of respective military training schools made opening speeches, and the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman, regional and state chief ministers, commanders and relevant officials attended the opening ceremonies and cordially met with the trainees.
They also provided cash assistance to the trainees.
Training No 3 trainees talk about their experiences:
“I voluntarily joined the training here as I am in conformity with the requirement for military training and also as a duty of a citizen. After the training, I will keep fit and stay disciplined and will serve the duties at the designated duty areas,” said a trainee.
“I registered for Training No 2. But I could not join as the limit was full. I voluntarily joined the training course No 3. The military conscription law is enacted in international countries, and our country has also enacted the law, which brings a lot of benefits to our country. Every citizen is responsible for protecting race and religion. Therefore, I came here, and I also would like to invite youths to come to training,” said a trainee.
“I was very pleased when I arrived here. I envy my seniors and also respect them. All the instructors take care of us like their relatives. What I want to say is that I don’t believe the rumours, and everything is OK here. I want all to know that we are happy. We also warmly welcome all,” said a trainee. — MNA/KTZH

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