SSB increases penalties for lost/damaged cards starting July

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A general view of the Hlinethaya SSB office (Shwelinpan Industrial Zone branch).

The Social Security Board (SSB) has announced an increase in penalties for the loss or damage of Social Security Benefit cards beginning in July.
Currently, the penalty for reapplying for SSB cards due to loss or damage is only K5,000. However, from 1st July onwards, the penalty will increase to K30,000 for the first occurrence, K50,000 for the second occurrence, and K100,000 for subsequent occurrences, according to the notification. The board will also issue a recommendation letter for medical treatment to individuals who have lost or damaged their card before receiving the new SSB card. Employers contribute two per cent of an employee’s salary towards social security health insurance benefits, while employer contribute one per cent of their employees salary towards occupational injury benefits monthly.
According to statistics, there are currently almost 1.2 million workers registered with SSB. — TWA/TMT

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