With good packaging, domestic dwarf coconut market likely to be thriving

photo 2024 06 25 15 42 04
Dwarf coconut grown in Myanmar.

Dwarf coconut can be manufactured into finished product and this market is likely to be thriving if packaging is good.

Besides, raw materials produced from dwarf coconut can be used in making jelly and juice but the distribution into finished product hasn’t developed yet, at present.

“Frankly saying, the finished product market hasn’t developed yet. Specifically, we need to make sure that the finished product manufacturing and distributing to flourish by giving a lot of efforts and time. Even ordinary coconut water has many consumers as it is believed to have health benefits. Farmers dare not grow much because the market has yet to develop here. If the market demand is high and if we are able to produce it in good packaging, the number of farmers will increase,” Ko Aung Thuya who tries to sell the dwarf coconut into value-added product in the domestic market told the Global New Light of Myanmar (GNLM).

In previous months, dwarf coconuts grown in Myanmar were exported to Thailand in pieces and currently they have tried to develop a finished product market inside the country.

At present, dwarf coconut plants have been grown in Twantay, Taikkyi and Hlegu townships on trial.

Thit Taw/ZS

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