Enchanting community-based tourism in Bagan and Nay Pyi Taw smart villages

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The photo shows domestic and international tourists visiting the Bagan Ancient Cultural Heritage Zone.

According to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, community-based tourism (CBT) will be implemented in the smart villages within the Bagan Ancient Cultural Heritage Zone and the Nay Pyi Taw Council area.
“Community-based tourism (CBT) is not a new concept. It has been done before. However, post-COVID-19, the momentum for CBT decreased. Now, we plan to implement it in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development. Currently, we are identifying suitable smart villages in the Bagan Ancient Cultural Heritage Zone and the Nay Pyi Taw Council area for CBT implementation. Although the tourist season has ended, we are preparing these villages for tourists when the new season begins,” said U Zeya Myo Aung, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism.
The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, along with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development, is focusing on smart villages that preserve traditional culture and have industries like textiles, weaving, and small-scale manufacturing for CBT.
CBT initiatives have already been implemented in Shan State, Taninthayi Region, and Mandalay Region. — ASH/MKKS

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