Myanmar Parahita group in Malaysia urges nationals to seek hospital treatment

photo 2024 06 24 16 34 24
Lovely Heart Parahita Blood Donor Group (Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia) taking care of a hospitalized patient.

Since some Myanmar nationals died of illness while trying to return home, sick persons should seek early treatment at hospitals, said the Lovely Heart Parahita Blood Donor Group (Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia).
A few days ago, a sick Myanmar national died in Kuala Lumpur while trying to return home from Penang via Kuala Lumpur, it said.
“If Myanmar nationals feel sick, they should go to clinics and hospitals early. There is no problem if they don’t have documents. They should take care of their health and go to clinics. The number of people who died while preparing to go home is not small. Take care and get treatment from physicians,” the group said, advising them to consult with the group about health matters.
A Myanmar national from Wetlet felt numb in his legs and hands while working at a car workshop in a Malaysian city. When he went to the hospital, he was told to be hospitalized, but as it was not convenient for him, the group helped him return to Myanmar at his family’s request, it said. — MT/ZN/ED

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