Seasonal food, False Earthstar popular among consumers

photo 2024 06 24 15 55 41
False earthstar recipes.

Seasonal food and False Earthstar (truffle), one of the most consumed in Myanmar, has been in demand among consumers.
Young false earthstars are produced in the early monsoon season, so the price is reasonable; however, the market will gradually decline when the truffle matures in the mid-monsoon season.
“This is the false Earthstar season. Its taste is pretty good at the young stage. But the taste is not good in Waso and Wagaung (Myanmar lunar months) because they become ripe and not available plentifully. The price is good in its harvest time. Many consumers enjoy it. Like mushroom, its price drops when it gets ripe,” said a false earthstar seller from North Okkalapa Township in Yangon.
False earthstar is a kind of mushroom that grows beneath fallen In (Dipterocarpus tuberculatus) leaves when they are wet in the rain, and Myanmar people enjoy eating it. It requires rinsing thoroughly before it is cooked. It can be cooked in different recipes, either cooking, frying, grilling or salad. It is rich in vitamins. — Thit Taw/ZS/ED

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