Re-examination process announced for 2023-2024 matriculation marks


If students are not satisfied with their marks in the 2023-2024 matriculation, they can request to re-examine their papers by spending K25,000 per paper, as stated by the Department of Myanmar Examinations.
Matriculation marks for the 2023-2024 academic year have been issued since 17 June at the Department of Myanmar Examinations head office in Nay Pyi Taw and the Yangon branch office in Hline Township, during office hours from Monday to Friday, except public holidays.
After the re-examination, students will be notified by the official letter whether their marks are correct and accurate.
However, they will not be allowed to view their answer sheets. The exam results and marks will be corrected if necessary.
The department does not have any plan to release the mark list to the students from countryside as well as will not use the online system for releasing the mark list. — ASH/KZL

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