Baby White Elephant Rattha Nandaka thrives in happy, healthy bond with Mother

KSW 7118 sskm
At one year and eleven months old, the baby white elephant Rattha Nandaka, thrives happily.

A 33-year-old female elephant called Zar Nan Hla kept by the Myanma Timber Enterprise in Taungup Township of Rakhine State gave birth to one white male elephant at 6:30 am on 23 July 2022. When it was born, the baby elephant was two feet and five inches in height, three feet and one inch in girth and weighed 180 pounds.
The white elephant’s name is Rattha Nandaka. It has pearl-coloured eyes, a plantain branch-shaped back, white hair, a distinctive tail with a tuft of hair at its end, auspicious plot signs on the skin, reddish-brown or pinkish skin, five claws on the front legs, four claws on the back legs and big ears. Therefore, these features conform with seven out of eight characteristics.
At one year and eleven months old, the baby white elephant is four feet and six inches in height, seven feet and four inches in circumference and weighs about 1,370 pounds. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, he stays healthy and happy with his mother elephant under the peace human and elephant interaction training system. — MNA/KZL

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