PyinOoLwin hosts visitors for relaxation at parks, waterfalls

Many travellers visit parks and waterfalls in PyinOoLwin Township especially during vacations. PyinOoLwin is attractive for those foreigners especially who are enthusiastic to observe the flowers, orchids and botanical gardens.
PyinOoLwin, literally known as “Maymyo or the City of Flowers”, is a well-known place for its flourishing varieties of flowers of local and foreign species, bamboo, roses, orchids, cherries, medicinal herbs and different species of butterflies. Having a moderate weather and good earthen lands, the city was firstly established in 1915 as a botanical garden by a British forestry officer Alex Roger inspiring the Kew Royal Botanical Garden from England. Nowadays, PyinOoLwin is famous for its National Botanical Garden which is one of the tourist attractions in Myanmar.
Both locals and foreigners visit the botanical gardens and waterfalls in PyinOoLwin, especially on holidays from Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay. The BE Waterfall which was formerly known as Hampshire Fall hosts many visitors in summer but few in the rainy season.
Other destinations in PyinOoLwin are Maymyo Rose Garden, Japan Village, YGN Garden and December Garden. What is more, ancient buildings and coffee plantations are also attractive for the visitors.
“Since PyinOoLwin locates 44 miles away from Mandalay City, it is convenient to visit for the travellers of both locals and foreigners. BE Waterfall and Kandawgyi Botanical Garden are most attractive places for them. Many visitors enjoy their holidays especially in summer in the waterfalls. It is cool to see families and groups visit there and taking photos happily at the parks and waterfalls. There are approximately 300 travellers on holidays in the rainy season while there are more than 1,000 visitors in summer and opening seasons,” Daw Hla Hla, an in-charge of the December Garden said.
PyinOoLwin hosts a lot of visitors especially in Thingyan Festival, Thadingyut Festival, Tazaungdine Festival, December winter and New Year. — Nyein Thu (MNA)/TMT

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