27 freighters serve Mandalay trade routes in 2nd, 3rd week

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Workers are loading cargo bags onto the vessel at Mandalay Port.

The statistics of Mandalay’s Department of Marine Administration showed that 27 cargo vessels sailed to Yangon, Bhamo and other cities between 10 and 19 June, with loads of over 7,170 tonnes of cement, over 12,590 tonnes of maize, 350 cubic feet of pebble bags of lime.
Last month, 93 freighters were reported to depart Mandalay Port to transport the goods, the department’s statistics indicated.
The Department of Marine Administration warned the vessel operators of overloading as the eddies have been formed in first Ayeyawady defile from the second week of June. They urged them to tailor marine safety management based on size and cargo and navigate with extreme caution. — TWA/KK

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