Myanmar exports 218,000+ tonnes of black gram worth US$213M in 2 months

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Beans and pulses are well-organized for market sale.

Myanmar’s black gram export reached over 218,000 tonnes over the past two months of the current financial year 2024-2025, beginning 1 April, generating earnings of over US$213 million, the Ministry of Commerce’s statistics showed.
Myanmar’s black gram export by sea hit over 218,833 tonnes of pulses worth $213.25 million. In contrast, over 66 tonnes of pulses worth $0.062 million were shipped to the neighbouring countries between 1 April and 14 June this FY.
Myanmar mainly exports black grams, green grams and pigeon peas to foreign markets. Of them, black grams and pigeon peas are primarily shipped to India, while green grams are exported to China and Europe.
India has growing demand and consumption requirements for black grams and pigeon peas. According to a Memorandum of Understanding between Myanmar and India signed on 18 June 2021, India will import 250,000 tonnes of black grams and 100,000 tonnes of pigeon peas (tur) from Myanmar for five consecutive years from 2021-2022 financial year to 2025-2026 FY. This G-to-G pact will not affect the pulses’ annual quota set by India. Myanmar’s exporters are also entitled to deliver the pulses to India under that yearly quota.
Myanmar’s black gram output is estimated at 400,000 tonnes per year, whereas pigeon pea production crosses 50,000 tonnes.
The Myanmar Pulses, Beans, Maize and Sesame Seeds Merchants Association stated that black grams, which India primarily purchases, are commonly found only in Myanmar, whereas pigeon peas, green gram and chickpeas are grown in African countries and Australia. — NN/EM

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