Second-hand motorcycles popular in Mandalay

photo 2024 06 20 18 03 03
The image showcases a three-wheeled passenger motorcycle being used in Mandalay.

Second-hand, rather than new motorcycles have been more marketable in Mandalay’s three-wheel passenger motorcycle market.
Price is not much different between new and second-hand India-made three-wheel motorcycles. However, buyers prefer second-hand rather than new due to financial difficulty.
“The second-hand market is more active, although the price is not much different between new and second-hand, it is not a problem for some who can afford it, but for some who don’t have enough money can’t find it, so they prefer to buy the second-hand. Second-hand motorcycles are sold every day. Last month, only a new motorcycle was sold, but more than 40 second-hand motorcycles were sold out. The sale is also good this month,” Ko Zaw Phyo, a second-hand India made three-wheeled motorcycle dealer in Mahaaungmyay Township.
However, sales of new products have been moderate.
“Mandalay is a big city, so loads of visitors come, and three-wheel motorcycles are widely used to carry passengers, not freight. There are plenty of hotels and guesthouses in Mandalay, with a lot of visitors from other towns. So, these motorcycles are specifically used for carrying passengers, and they are fuel-saving,” he said. — Thit Taw/ZS

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