15 Myanmar anti-narcotics officers complete training in Yunnan

20240619 170507 sskm
Myanmar anti-narcotics officers are seen during the training course on drug prevention and control conducted by the Yunnan Police College.

According to the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, 15 Myanmar anti-narcotics officers attended the anti-narcotics training course opened by the Yunnan Police College.
The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar commissioned the Yunnan Police College to open this capacity-building course, conducted from 30 May to 14 June, to deepen cooperation and help improve Myanmar’s drug prevention and control law enforcement capacity.
In the course, the Myanmar officers learned about China’s drug prevention and control policy and laws and regulations from the Yunnan State Department of Public Security’s Narcotics Prevention and Suppression Department and Yunnan Police College.
The college also taught Myanmar officers how to manage and control chemicals that can be easily made into drugs and how to handle technology and equipment used in drug prevention and control law enforcement.
During the course, the trainees visited the drug prevention and control centres of the Public Security Department in Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces and had an exchange of work experience. They also visited a drug inspection station in Yuxi, Qinglongchang, Yunnan Province and studied the situation of drug arrests. Next, the trainees attended the launch ceremony of the 2024 “Safe Mekong”, a joint anti-drug campaign in Telhon Sub-Province, Yunnan Province.
“The content taught in this course is fully professional and practical, and I can fully apply what I have learned in my future work. I will continue to strengthen Myanmar-China drug prevention and law enforcement cooperation,” said a trainee representing Myanmar. — TWA/KZL

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