Arrest made in fatal shooting and robbery of goldsmith in Mandalay

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Kan Pai (aka) Ko Phyo (aka) Pyae Phyo Aung is arrested along with gold items as evidence.

On 13 June 2024, at approximately 17:20, U Win Aung, a goldsmith residing in Thanhlyetmaw West Ward of Mahaaungmyay Township, Mandalay Region, was riding his motorbike home from work. He was followed by two unidentified men on a CZI motorbike who shot at him (the type of firearm is still being verified) and fled with his gold items. Despite being rushed to Mandalay General Hospital, U Win Aung succumbed to his injuries during treatment. A case was filed at No 4 police station under Section 54 of the Counter-Terrorism Act to apprehend the suspects.
To apprehend those responsible for the terrorist shooting and robbery, security forces launched an investigation, receiving support from security facilities and accountable citizens. Kan Pai (aka) Ko Phyo (aka) Pyae Phyo Aung, aged 38, was identified and arrested at approximately 18:16 on 18 June at his residence in Audaund village, Madaya Township. Gold and jewellery were seized as evidence.
The detainee, Kan Pai (aka) Ko Phyo (aka) Pyae Phyo Aung), confessed that, due to financial difficulties, he conspired with Ko Maung (currently at large) and Mingalarpar (yet to be apprehended), both members of the Madaya PDF terrorist group, to rob and fatally shoot U Win Aung.
Security forces continue to take measures to apprehend the remaining accused members of the PDF terrorist group, Ko Maung and Mingalarpar. — MNA/TKO

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