Surge in daily visitors to Zinkyaik Waterfall, thousands on weekends

photo 2024 06 19 18 18 09
People are taking vacation at Zin Kyaik Waterfall.

Visitor arrival to Zinkyaik Waterfall, a destination for taking vacation during monsoon season and located in Mon State, increased on a daily basis and even reached the thousands on weekends, according to residents and social relief associations in Mawlamyine.
People can play water at the waterfall from May to Thadinkyut, and most of the visitors are residents from Mawlamyine, Thaton, and Hpa-an townships. The number of visitors is estimated to reach 1,000-3,000 on weekends, according to an official from the Aung Nawarat Social Relief Association near the waterfall.
“The number of visitors has been large. In addition to residents, people from Hpa-an, Thaton, and Mawlamyine came to visit here. Even if it is a business day, there are many visitors. The visitor arrival has nearly 3,000 on weekends. The waterfall has had water throughout the past year, but it is available only from around May to Thadingyut because water is piped now from the top of the waterfall to houses in the village,” he said.

photo 2024 06 19 18 18 10

In previous years, visitor arrival generally peaked in Waso. However, it has been on the rise even during this monsoon season, which is even more significant than last year’s, according to residents.
“Increase in visitor arrival helps vendors nearby. The parking fee is K1,000 for motorcycles and K1,500 for cars there,” he said.
In order to ensure the safety of visitors, warning signs have been provided at dangerous points, and a joint team comprised of security groups, social relief groups and ward or village officials has been taking care of visitors. — MT/ZS/ED

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